Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Lot of Stuff all at Once


Ok. Here's a whole bunch of things.

I haven't posted much personal stuff in a was hard for me to admit it when things weren't getting better. But this little drawing sums up what I'm trying to do now. What I'm thinking about. Mostly I want to not take things so freaking seriously anymore! Life is hilarious! I'm having fun being cozy in our apartment, sewing things, baking things, drawing things, and hanging out with our cat who's a lovable asshole.

be brave ok

Also, Chuck and I went to NYC and saw a live WTF at the Bell House. And I shook Marc Maron's hand. And he talked about us at the beginning of the show. I almost peed my pants. I don't know when the episode will go up but I hope it's soon. It was amazing. Something about hearing his voice makes everything seem like it's going to be ok.

I made a list a while ago of my favorite kids in books, movies, tv, life...I want to start drawing them. Here's Tatum O'Neal as Addie Loggins in Paper Moon.


And here's a little preview of my story that is in Sundays 4:

forever changes

And here's a fat cat I drew that is on the cover of Chuck's brother's band's new album:

fat cat

And finally, here is my version of Annie Koyama's Kick Ass Annie logo. Annie is one of my absolute favorite people in comics. She is so generous and awesome and is doing amazing amazing things with Koyama Press, and I was so psyched to do this drawing.

Kick Ass Annie


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