Monday, November 21, 2011

Boogers and Snot


This documents one of my favorite things about kids: when they are so in the zone and they get that far away look in their eyes and their finger goes right up their nose. Okay, maybe grown- ups do that too. I remember when I was little, I thought that being an adult meant you didn't pick your nose anymore. And I dreaded that day because I LOVED picking my nose.

Too gross?

ANYWAY Today I video chatted with some of Sam Sharpe's students in Chicago! They all read my book, and we asked each other questions about comics. They asked me if I was married. It was great!

AND Carrie who has a really awesome blog called Try Harder just wrote a great review of Freddy Stories. My favorite part: "Even if your ovaries aren't bursting, Freddy is charming because even though she craves comfort and fun like the rest of us, she knows when yelling is the best policy".

Thanks Carrie! You all should read her blog, it rules.


Have you been watching the Woody Allen documentary on PBS? I can't get enough of that man!

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